〰️ Regulatory Battles Intensify as Big Three Move to Control AGI Research

〰️ Activists Ramp Up Campaign for AI Moratorium

〰️ Retail Giant Deploys AI for Inventory Management, Risking Job Cuts

〰️ Leak Exposes Scraped Training Data Underpinning New Model

〰️ Regulatory Battles Intensify as Big Three Move to Control AGI Research 〰️ Activists Ramp Up Campaign for AI Moratorium 〰️ Retail Giant Deploys AI for Inventory Management, Risking Job Cuts 〰️ Leak Exposes Scraped Training Data Underpinning New Model

About Foom

Foom is Changeist’s first large-scale interactive simulation designed to engage participants in exploring the future of artificial intelligence (AI) and its societal impact. This multi-round, team-based experience challenges participants to navigate escalating scenarios centered around the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Participants must make critical decisions, balancing AI's rapid progress against ethical, regulatory, and social considerations.

Foom presents players with realistic scenarios involving AI customized to their context. Each team—representing users, developers, regulators, businesses, or activists—has distinct interests, creating a complex decision-making environment.

Faced with a dynamic new world, teams decide to either continue, regulate, or halt AI’s advancement, with their collective choices driving the trajectory of its development, with the growing risk of sudden “takeoff” where AGI surpasses human oversight.

Foom fosters deep reflection on the implications of AI, challenging participants to think strategically about long-term risks, AI ethics, collaboration, and the consequences of their actions. The experience serves as a powerful tool for sharpening strategic thinking by simulating high-stakes, real-world dilemmas around innovation, ethics, and control. The experience is designed with creative uncertainty at its core, pushing participants to make quick decisions about complex situations without complete information.

Foom is designed for a wide range of users—from businesses and industry groups to policy bodies, educational institutions, and cultural organizations. It can also be deployed at conferences, exhibitions, or internal events to engage teams and spark meaningful dialogue about AI's future.

Ready to experience Foom for yourself?  

Contact us to co-design an immersive, strategic simulation that can be tailored to help your team navigate the landscape ahead.